Saturday, October 20, 2007

*WARNING* May Trigger...

I just thought I'd add something here... usualy on sites where you talk about issues like DEPRESSION, if someone is going to put a post up that has content in it that may trigger a memory or feeling for someone they put "*WARNING* May Trigger" at the beginning of the post. I wont do that, as I'm sure for some ppl even the word DEPRESSION may trigger stuff for them. so I'll just tell you now, I will try not to put any detailed info of actual abuse in my posts unless I feel it is needed to explain the effect its had/having on me in my adult yrs...
Also, I think I'll use this post to just quickly (if thats possible) tell you about my abusers, firstly I will never put identifying info on this blog, for my abuser/s I will use my own little code, I will also use that for my siblings and parents if I happen to say something about them, I just realise if I am saying something about these ppl I may need to use the same code each time so you can have an idea of who is doing or saying what...
Codes & genaral run down of the type of abuse & age it occured: fud1' 3 to 6 yrs - verbal, physical and emotional/mental abuse, b3' 3 to 13 yrs - sexual, physical abuse, b4' 6 to 13 yrs - sexual, physical abuse, fud2' 9 yrs - (not really abuse but effected my life greatly) suicide, st1' 10 yrs - sexual abuse, fud3' 10 yrs - sexual abuse, fud4' 11 to 16 yrs - physical, emotionl/mental abuse, st2' 11 yrs - sexual abuse, fp1' 12yrs - sexual abuse, fp2' 12 to 13 yrs - sexual abuse, sb1' 13 yrs - sexual abuse, dh1' 13 to 15 sexual, physical and emotional/mental abuse, dh2' 21 to 31 - sexual, physical, emotional/mental, financial abuse, st3' 31 yrs - sexual abuse, st4' 31yrs - sexual abuse. other codes of general ppl in my life are, s1', s2', b1', b2', h', c', uc', ub', ud', ur', ubi', uph', uro', um', aj', aM', ama', at', aS', ast', f1', f2', f3', f4', f5', f6', . That just about says it all, there will be other codes popped in now and then when needed but I will try not to go off track and talk about others so they will only be there if its needed... some of these ppl are abusers, some are parents, friends, aquaintances...
I hope that wasnt too terrifying for you, there is probably no need to read them all, and probably no need for me to write them all here just yet, but if stuff comes up I want you and I to be aware of basicaly who I am talking about so you can recognise if that person has been mentioned somewhere else...

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